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(3KG) Multipurpose Contact Adhesive Glue| CA Glue – PB2020

Original price was: RM230.00.Current price is: RM49.50.

Availability: 59 in stock

Available Quantity: 59

( Actual physical stock may vary a bit. Due to high volume of sales, some product may reduce stock faster than others. If you need exact or closest available quantity, please check with sales team before confirming order.)


PrimeBond Contact Adhesive Glue PB2020

PrimeBond CA Glue is a type of adhesive that is used to bond carpet to a substrate, such as wood, rubber, tile or more. It is typically made of a solvent-based adhesive that is easy to spread and dries quickly. PrimeBond CA Glue can be used for both residential and commercial applications.

Weight: 3kg

Color: Yellowish

Applications: Carpet Flooring, Furniture, Wood, Rubber, Plastic & More…

✔Strong Adhesive Power

✔Quick Dry

✔Great Versatility

✔Low Voc Emissions

Uses Guide for Multipurpose CA Adhesive / Panduan Pemasangan untuk Pelekat CA Serbaguna:

1.Prepare the Surfaces / Persediaan Permukaan

2.Apply the CA Glue / Gunakan Gam CA

3.Curing and Final Bond / Pengeringan dan Sambungan Akhir

4.Clean-Up / Pembersihan

Weight 3.00 kg
Dimensions 17.00 × 10.00 × 24.00 cm
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