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VT226 Gap Sealant General Purpose / Strong & Flexible Sealant

Original price was: RM33.00.Current price is: RM6.60.

Availability: 54 in stock

Available Quantity: 54

( Actual physical stock may vary a bit. Due to high volume of sales, some product may reduce stock faster than others. If you need exact or closest available quantity, please check with sales team before confirming order.)

SKU: 675-GAPSEAL-VT226-GP Category:

VT226 Gap Sealant General Purpose

GP Sealant is an economical, environmentally friendly acrylic sealant for general purpose caulking and sealing applications. It is paintable and has good adhesion to most porous surfaces. Best choice for general sealing application. General glazing of various substrates (wood, concrete, marble, etc.) and DIY applications (gutters, window and door joints, etc.). 

Details :

  • Color : White
  • 400g per catridge
  • Plastic tip nozzle is included
  • Professional choice 
  • Non-drip paste
  • Instant grab
  • Bonds most materials

1. Surfaces must be clean, dry, and free of dirt, grease, oil or water. 

2. For a neat finish, apply masking tape and remove it before construction adhesive skins over. 

3. Cut nozzle at a 45° angle to the desired bead-width and apply it to the substrate with a cartridge gun. 

4. Lighter substrate bonding: Apply adhesive onto the substrate to be bonded, press firmly and pull apart. Allow to tack-off for 10 to 30 seconds and press firmly together again. Contact areas should be tapped with a rubber mallet to ensure intimate contact. 

5. Heavier substrate bonding: Apply adhesive onto the substrate to be bonded, press firmly and securely fasten them together (clamp, nail, screw, etc.). Retain fastening for a minimum of 24 hours. 

6. Any wet or partially wet adhesive can be removed with a piece of cloth. The dried adhesive is best removed with a scraper or by sanding.

Weight 0.40 kg
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm
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