Best Homogeneous Waterproof Sheet Vinyl Flooring | Ocean Odyssey – 1202 | LUMINEX

RM2,727.12-80% OFF


Product Name LUMINEX Homogeneous Vinyl Flooring
Color Ocean Odyssey
Color Code 1202
Material PVC
Thickness 2mm
Size 2m (W) x 20m (L) per roll
m2 per Pack 430.50 sqft
Certifications CE, CNAS, ISO, CFCC, PEFC, QE
Surface Smooth
Suitable for Commercial
Availability Based on the needs of the project. Require approximately 30-45 days for the importing process

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Best Homogeneous Waterproof Sheet Vinyl Flooring | Ocean Odyssey – 1202 | LUMINEX

Introducing Primelay’s cutting-edge homogeneous waterproof sheet vinyl flooring, crafted to withstand moisture and elevate any space with style and durability. Our bathroom vinyl flooring sheets offer unparalleled waterproof performance and are perfect for other environments. Whether you need a waterproof vinyl flooring roll or an eye-catching blue vinyl sheet, we provide diverse options to suit your needs. At Primelay, we prioritize quality and innovation, ensuring our products exceed expectations and transform your spaces effortlessly.

How to Use Homogeneous Waterproof Sheet Vinyl Flooring Properly? [The Ultimate Guide]

Dive into the depths of waterproof sheet vinyl flooring mastery with our comprehensive guide. From preparing the surface  to seamless installation techniques, discover the keys to unlocking the full potential of homogeneous waterproof sheet vinyl flooring.

  1. Preparation of the surface

Prior to installing the waterproof vinyl flooring, make sure to properly prepare the subfloor. This requires thorough cleaning to eliminate dust, debris, or residue that may impact the adhesive’s ability to bond properly. Moreover, make sure the subfloor is fully dry to avoid problems related to moisture in the future. Any bumps or flaws in the subfloor need to be fixed by sanding, patching, or leveling to ensure the vinyl has a smooth and even surface to stick to.

  1. Adjusting

Allowing the waterproof vinyl flooring to adjust to its surroundings before installing is crucial. This involves keeping the flooring materials in the same room where they will be installed for a minimum of 48 hours before starting the installation. This helps the floors adapt to the temperature and humidity in the room, reducing the chance of them expanding, contracting, or warping post-installation. Proper acclimatization is essential when laying vinyl flooring in areas like bathrooms for basements that experience varying environmental conditions. By letting the flooring adjust, you can enhance the stability and durability of the installation over time.

  1. Adhesive Application

The type of adhesive you choose is extremely important for the successful installation of your waterproof vinyl flooring. Select a premium adhesive made for vinyl flooring and adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines diligently. Apply the adhesive to the prepared subfloor with a trowel, making sure to cover it thoroughly and avoid leaving any spots uncovered or applying it unevenly. Applying adhesive correctly is crucial for ensuring a durable and dependable bond between vinyl flooring and the subfloor, avoiding problems like lifting, shifting, or bubbling in the long run. Make sure to take sufficient time in this stage to guarantee that the adhesive is applied accurately for the best outcomes.

  1. Installation

Handle the installation of waterproof sheet vinyl flooring carefully, paying attention to details. Roll out the vinyl sheet onto the subfloor, ensuring it is wrinkle-free and flat. Smooth out the flooring as you progress for a consistent surface. If working in a large area or around obstacles, consider getting assistance. Trim excess material along the edges with a utility knife for a perfect fit. A proper installation is important for a polished and durable outcome.

  1. Seam Sealing

Ensuring the seams are sealed between multiple sheets of waterproof sheet vinyl flooring during installation is vital in order to keep water out and preserve the flooring’s waterproof qualities. Use a seam sealer made for vinyl flooring and apply it carefully along the sheet edges where they connect. Make sure the edges are firmly joined before adding the sealer for a smooth connection between the sheet. Ensuring that seams are sealed correctly will preserve the waterproof protection of vinyl flooring, minimizing water damage and extending the installation’s lifespan.

  1. Finishing Touches

After you finish installing the waterproof sheet vinyl flooring, make sure to add final details that will improve both the look and usability of the area. Put baseboards or quarter round molding around the flooring edges to hide any spaces and give a polished appearance. Furthermore, think about including transition strips between the vinyl flooring and neighboring floor surfaces in order to establish a seamless transition between rooms or various flooring materials. These final details enhance the appearance of the installation and also provide protection to the vinyl flooring edges against wear and damage in the long run.

  1. Maintenance

Maintaining your waterproof vinyl flooring properly is crucial to keep its look and functionality intact in the long run. To maintain the appearance of your flooring, clean it frequently with a gentle detergent or specialized vinyl floor cleaner, along with a damp mop or cloth. Refrain from using strong chemicals or rough cleaning tools, as they may harm the flooring’s surface. Also, make sure to quickly tidy up any spills or messes to avoid staining or harming the vinyl.

Pros of Homogeneous Waterproof Sheet Vinyl Flooring

✅Exceptional durability and resistance to water damage;
✅ Easy to clean and maintain, requiring only regular sweeping and occasional mopping;
✅ Versatile design options, including various colors, patterns, and textures;
✅Comfortable underfoot, providing anti slip feature;
✅Suitable for installation in moisture-prone areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements;
✅ Resistant to stains, spills, and scratches, maintaining its appearance over time;
✅ Cost-effective compared to other flooring options, offering long-term value;
✅ Quick and easy installation process, saving time and labor costs;
✅ Environmentally friendly
✅ Suitable for both residential and commercial applications, providing versatile flooring solutions.

FAQs on LUMINEX Homogeneous Waterproof Sheet Vinyl Flooring

What are the key features of LUMINEX homogeneous waterproof sheet vinyl flooring?

Due to its uniform build, LUMINEX is known for its outstanding water resistance. This indicates that the material has a uniform thickness, which creates a barrier to prevent moisture from seeping through.

What are the differences between waterproof sheet vinyl flooring and traditional flooring options?

It provides major benefits compared to traditional flooring materials such as hardwood or ceramic tiles. Additionally, vinyl flooring is frequently a more affordable and simpler to install option compared to hardwood or tile, yet it still offers a long-lasting and visually attractive flooring option.

Is it possible to install this vinyl flooring in commercial environments?

Indeed, LUMINEX is very appropriate for commercial use because of its durability and ability to withstand water damage. It is frequently utilized in different types of commercial environments like medical centers, educational institutions, stores, and places offering services.

Does waterproof sheet vinyl flooring consider the environment?

It is created with eco-friendly materials and methods, making it a sustainable choice for flooring. Numerous LUMINEX products are manufactured using recycled materials and can be recycled once they reach the end of their lifespan.

Is Primelay a dependable option for flooring services?

Primelay has built a reputation as a reliable supplier of high-quality flooring options. Primelay provides a variety of flooring products tailored to meet a range of needs and preferences, all while prioritizing innovation and customer satisfaction. Primelay also offers outstanding customer service, which involves helping customers choose products, providing guidance during installation, and offering after-sales support to guarantee a smooth flooring experience for all customers.


Weight 136.80 kg
Dimensions 2400.00 × 200.00 × 100.00 cm
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