Jenama Lantai Nombor 1 Yang Dipercayai di Malaysia. Lebih Dari Sekadar Lantai
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Subtotal: RM2,280.77

Jumlah Kecil: RM2,280.77

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Diamond Plate Roll Mat 3 Heavy Duty Studded Flooring Value Buy Supplier No.1 In Malaysia

Original price was: RM2,800.00.Current price is: RM560.00.

Availability: 1 in stock

Kuantiti Tersedia: 1

( Stok fizikal sebenar mungkin mempunyai sedikit perbezaan. Disebabkan oleh jumlah jualan yang tinggi, beberapa produk mungkin akan kekurangan stok dengan lebih cepat. Jika anda memerlukan kuantiti stok tersedia yang tepat, sila semak dengan pasukan jualan sebelum mengesahkan pesanan anda.)


Our roll mat is designed to prevent slips or to be resistant to slip. This type of studded rubber flooring has been used in many industrial working areas. The anti-slip function well with “cross” design on it. It is water-resistant and long-lasting quality material. It is ready to use, don’t need any glue as the floor adhesive.

  • Size : 1.2m x 10m
  • Thickness : 3.0-3.5mm
  • Roll Size : 12 sqm
  • Roll weight : ±54kg
  • Heavy duty usage
  • Anti slip system design with diamond cross
  • no need glue
Weight 54.00 kg
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm
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Tanya untuk Diamond Plate Roll Mat 3 Heavy Duty Studded Flooring Value Buy Supplier No.1 In Malaysia

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