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VT-222 All Purpose Gap Sealant / Paintable & Flexible Sealant

Original price was: RM33.00.Current price is: RM6.60.

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SKU: 530-GAPSEAL-VT222-WHITE Category:

VT-222 All Purpose Gap Sealant

An economical, environmentally friendly acrylic sealant for general purpose caulking and sealing applications. It is paintable and has good adhesion to most porous surfaces. It is formulated with good body thus able to withstand pressure during the installation. It is suitable for sealing of gaps and joints where slight movement or vibration causes conventional, non-elastic fillers and putties to crack and fall out. It can be applied smoothly and easily and can be cleaned up with water.

General glazing of various substrates (wood, concrete, marble, etc.) and DIY applications (gutters, window and door joints, etc.).

*VT226 is upgraded version of VT222

Details :

  • Color : White
  • Content : 450g per cartridge
  • Paintable
  • Economical 
  • Permanently flexible 
  • Easy cleanup


  • The substrate surface must be dry and clean; free of dirt, grease, oil, or standing water. 
  • Use the two-cloth method to clean if the surface is dirty.
  • For a neat finishing, use masking tapes and remove it within the working time. 
  • For sealant designs with depths of over 10 mm, use approved backing materials. 
Weight 0.20 kg
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm
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