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  • 5kg Durable Vinyl Glue VT780  1 × RM75.00

Jumlah Kecil: RM75.00

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Subtotal: RM75.00
  • 5kg Durable Vinyl Glue VT780  1 × RM75.00

Jumlah Kecil: RM75.00

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Duravoc 8100 | 5kg Vinyl Glue – Primelay Smart Flooring


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Duravoc 8100 Vinyl Glue

Vinyl Adhesive is easy to spread adhesive for vinyl tiles to concrete and timber surfaces. This product comes ready mixed for added convenience. Duravoc 8100 adhesive will become able to grab resilient vinyl floors, easing installation works especially when the subfloor is not even.


  • Suitable for vinyl sheet and vinyl tiles
  • High strength adhesive
  • Ready mixed, easy to use
5kg Vinyl Glue
5kg Vinyl Glue
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